Research project EU-US-TTD - EU-US Trade and Technology Dialogue The Trade and Technology Dialogue (TTD) project, will support the TTC (i.e. the Trade and Technology Council (TTC), set up during the EU-US summit in June 2021), by mobilising stakeholders and disseminating results to ensure full involvement of civil society and all interested stakeholders in this crucial endeavour for transatlantic relations. Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email Visit the dedicated Project Website → The TTD project will:Offer the target audiences of all relevant stakeholders (i.e. civil society, academia, think tanks, trade unions and the business community) from the EU and the US a forum to exchange views on topics of relevance for the Trade and Technology Council; Provide thematic stakeholder engagements with logistical and technical assistance to follow each of the Trade and Technology Council’s working groups and major actions.Support and encourage stakeholders from the EU and the US in the development of shared positions with analytical and logistical assistance.Develop and execute consultations or questionnaires of stakeholders on specific topics to identify and offer non-governmental expertise or ideas on the request of the Commission services.Analyse, summarise and publish the results of the stakeholder engagements and deliberations, including any policy suggestions to the US government and European Commission developed out of these, to inform the work under the Trade and Technology Council.Offer complementarity and additionality to existing (transatlantic) stakeholder engagement platforms such as, but not limited to, the EU Civil Society Dialogue, research done by academia and think tanks, Track-Star, the Trans-Atlantic Business Council, and the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue.Organise events, exchanges, meetings, round-tables and workshops with and for stakeholders in relation to the above mentioned objectives, possibly back-to-back to events of the Trade and Technology Council, in physical, hybrid and virtual formats taking place in the EU and the US (with a focus but no restriction to Brussels and Washington, DC).Provide the logistics for the information exchange and meetings, and inform the target group and the public of outcomes through electronic means (e.g. electronic newsletters, blog posts, social media content, meeting and events agendas and reports and other content to be disseminated through existing websites and social media accounts). External Partners United Kingdom Forum Europe Ltd Visit website Italy Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) Visit website