Professors, PhD researchers and fellows of the Department of History and Civilization form a vibrant intellectual community of study interactions and work exchanges. Research in this stimulating environment is defined by:
- themes and perspectives from the distinctive deparmental research profile
- a variety of specific research projects
- the key research interests of the faculty members
- working groups established and managed by PhD researchers
- workshops, lectures, colloquia and conferences where questions are shared and contextualized within a broader scholarly framework
- a wide range of publications, including working papers, articles, essays and books.
Several tools and facilities support departmental research activities:
- the EUI Library, where a team of experienced librarians and IT specialists manages a large collection of books, journals and digital resources
- the EUI Language Centre, which offers language and academic writing skills courses
- exchange programmes with the top universities of Europe, the United States, China and Russia
- specialized research tools for Historians, including the European History Primary Sources portal.
A four-year PhD programme: The Department offers a distinctive four-year Ph.D. programme of transnational and comparative European history supported by a uniquely international and multicultural faculty. In the first and second years doctoral researchers study historiographical and methodological issues and focus on an in-depth exploration of selected central themes of European history. In the third and fourth years, researchers focus on their individual research, and are invited to present the results of their work at seminars and workshops.
Coursework: Teaching is in English but linguistic diversity is encouraged in all our activities. A variety of Departmental, Research and Training seminars is offered within the Department and the Academic Service provides training tailored for the academic and professional development of researchers.
Supervision: Each researcher is followed by a supervisor who is responsible for advising on research, career development and other matters. A second reader is also appointed to offer another perspective on the researcher's work (especially in reading March Papers and June Papers in the first year and the Two-Thirds of thesis in the third year).
Thesis monitoring: In order to help researchers in the process of designing and writing their PhD thesis, the Department provides a series of individual thesis monitoring sessions. During these sessions the supervisor and the second reader offer guidance, advice and suggestions on how to prepare for end-of-year submissions.
The Researcher's Guide (PDF) offers detailed information on the Ph.D. programme.
Page last updated on 11 February 2021