Guidelines on Departmental Contributions to Researchers' Initiatives
PhD Researchers (normally limited to the second year and beyond) who wish to organize workshops or to invite guest speakers may seek a departmental contribution towards the cost. Financial support is not guaranteed and the request for funding must be submitted to a departmental committee.
In order to start planning an event it is necessary to:
- consult with professors about conceptualising and organising the workshop, draft a preliminary description of the project and a list of possible participants
- contact Francesca Parenti with a provisional date: she will check for possible overlaps with other events and will help in the preparation of a budget proposal;
- apply for a departmental contribution sending the proposal and the budget to the Departmental Coordinator by 1 October (for activities that take place before the end of February) or 1 February (for activities that take place before the end of October) .
Applications are assessed by a funding committee: its recommendations are presented to a Departmental meeting at which the decision about funding is taken. If the members of the departmental meeting agree to follow the recommendations of the funding committee to support a proposal in part or in full, the organizer(s) of the event can ask individual professors to provide matching funds.
Note that the main bulk of the logistics of the workshop remains with the researchers. A Q&A meeting on the organization of events is scheduled for 11 December 2023.
Page last updated on 02 October 2023