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Leaves of Absence

Apart from minimum periods (i.e. no longer than one week per term), researchers must obtain the written permission to be absent from the Institute during term time. It is necessary to provide appropriate information about the purpose and length of the period of absence. Leave requests need to be approved by the Department and then by the Entrance Board, and should be sent to the Departmental Coordinator at least one week before the Departmental Meeting takes place (see the calendar of Departmental Meetings online).

- Requests for leaves lasting more than one month should be addressed to the Director of Studies and the Head of Department and should include a message with the supervisor’s comments. Such requests should be sent to the Departmental Coordinator as far in advance of departure as possible. 

- More than one prolonged departure within a twelve-month period will not be permitted and accumulation of absences will be discouraged. This includes exchange programmes and traineeships/stages.

- The maximum overall period of intermission for which any combination of these is permitted is normally 18 months.  

The EUI does not permit leaves of absence in order to follow degree courses in other universities during the EUI PhD programme.   

During all leaves of absence, researchers must confirm their contact details with the supervisor’s administrative assistant and arrange to have their mailbox checked and emptied.

For more details see the Academic Service guidelines and paragraph 12. of the Academic Rules and Regulations for the Doctoral Programme 


Page last updated on 31 July 2023

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