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Technological Change, Inequality and Labor Market (ECO-AD-TECHCHANG)


Department ECO
Course category ECO Advanced courses
Course type Course
Academic year 2024-2025
Term BLOCK 3
Credits .5 (EUI Economics Department)
  • Prof. Siyu Shi (Max Weber Fellow)
Contact Simonsen, Sarah


Course Abstract (including student assessment):
A 10-hour topic course on recent studies in skill-biased technological change and its implications on labor market outcomes. The course will survey the literature on the following three topics:

  1. Skill-biased technological change: We first examine the evolution of skill premiums over time and study the canonical model of skill-biased technological change. We will discuss the limitations of the canonical model and other extensions.
  2. Labor market polarization: The U.S. labor market has witnessed “hollowing-out” in the past several decades: the employment share of mid-skill occupations keeps decreasing while the employment shares of low-skill and high-skill occupations are growing. This topic will study the mechanism that drives this trend in the labor market.  
  3. Taxation and inequality: There is a significant difference in income taxation between the U.S. and European countries in terms of progressivity. This topic will present the quantitative implications of income taxation on labor market outcomes and inequality.

Teaching materials: Journal articles and other assigned readings.
Evaluation: Participation and assignment.


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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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