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Law courses: academic year 2024-2025


 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Traditions of Legal Thought (LAW-DS-TRALEG-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Research Design for Empirical Legal and Socio-Legal Studies (LAW-DS-RESDES-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

European Law of the Everyday: Europe, the Law and the Ordinary (LAW-DS-LAWEVE-24)

Type: Seminar


Prof. Loic AZOULAI

Prof. Jack Meakin (University of Leeds)

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Legal and empirical legal research (LAW-DS-LEGEMP-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Comparative Constitutional Law (LAW-DS-CONLAW-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Editing a Law Journal- EJIL and ICON (LAW-DS-EDIT-24)

Type: Seminar


Prof. Sarah NOUWEN

Prof. Grainne DE BURCA

Dr Ana Luísa Bernardino (associate editor EJIL) Dr James Wilson (senior associate editor ICON)

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

Normative approaches to law (LAW-DS-NORMAP-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 3 credits

New Enforcement: Putting EU Law into Practice (LAW-DS-NEWENF-24)

Type: Seminar


Prof. Deirdre CURTIN

Francesco Saverio Della Corte Johannes Müller

 Category: LAW Short Seminar

Law & revolution: reading Pashukanis’ General Theory of Law and Marxism at its 100th anniversary (LAW-DS-LAWREV-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Legal and empirical legal research (LAW-DS-LEGEMP-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Law and Technology (LAW-DS-TECH-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Editing a Law Journal- EJIL and ICON (LAW-DS-EDIT-24)

Type: Seminar


Prof. Sarah NOUWEN

Prof. Grainne DE BURCA

Dr Ana Luísa Bernardino (associate editor EJIL) Dr James Wilson (senior associate editor ICON)

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

Untangling the EU Green Deal: Opportunities and Pitfalls (LAW-RT-GREDEA-24)

Type: Seminar


Arianna Crosera Niels Hoek Luca Tenreira Kunhao Yang

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

Critical Thought and Law (LAW-RT-CRTLAW-24)

Type: Seminar


Nour Benghellab Lala Darchinova Julia Galera Oliva Maximilian Klaus Reymann

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

Introduction to AI & Ethics (LAW-RT-AIETHI-24)

Type: Seminar


Emmanouil (Manolis) Bougiakiotis Mateus Correia De Carvalho Elina Nerantzi

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

Show and Tell: Law as Performance and Narrative (LAW-RT-LAWPER-24)

Type: Seminar


Antoine De Spiegeleir Sjors Polm

 Category: LAW Doctoral Workshop

Doctoral Workshop in European Law (LAW-DS-DOCWOR-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 6 credits

Global Data Law (LAW-DS-GLODAT-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 3 credits

Prefigurative politics and the law (LAW-DS-PREPOL-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 3 credits

Legal Transplants: An Interdisciplinary Approach (LAW-DS-LEGTRA-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Short Seminar

Turning your LAW PhD Thesis into a Book (LAW-DS-OUTDIS-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Short Seminar

Feminist Constitutionalism (LAW-DS-FEMCON-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Editing a Law Journal- EJIL and ICON (LAW-DS-EDIT-24)

Type: Seminar


Prof. Sarah NOUWEN

Prof. Grainne DE BURCA

Dr Ana Luísa Bernardino (associate editor EJIL) Dr James Wilson (senior associate editor ICON)

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

Legal and empirical legal research (LAW-DS-LEGEMP-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

Regulating Uncertainty (LAW-RT-REGUNC-24)

Type: Seminar


Pankhudi Khandelwal Velizar Kirilov Filip Lubinski Alena Yarmak

 Category: LAW Seminar - 3 credits

A Practical Guide to Interviews: Preparing, Conducting, and Writing Up (LAW-RT-PRAGUI-24)

Type: Seminar


Jadé Botha Sebastian von Massow

 Category: LAW Doctoral Workshop

Critical International Law Doctoral Workshop (LAW-DS-CRINT-24)

Type: Seminar



Prof. Sarah NOUWEN

Pål Wrange (Stockholm University)

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 3 credits

Law and Economics (LAW-DS-LAWECO-24)

Type: Course


Prof. Nicolas PETIT

Prof. Simon Deakin Prof. Josephine Van Zeben

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 3 credits

AEL Workshop with the Authors: Interests and Values in EU External Relations: New Legal Dynamics (LAW-DS-WORAUT-24)

Type: Workshop

 Category: LAW Short Seminar

Thinking Infrastructurally (LAW-DS-TINFRA-24)

Type: Seminar

 Category: LAW Seminar - 6 credits

AEL: Summer Course on The Law of the European Union (LAW-SS-AELEUL-24)

Type: Summer School

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 6 credits

Law and Logic (LAW-SS-LLOGIC-24)

Type: Summer School


Prof. Giovanni SARTOR


Morel, Arianna

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 6 credits

AI & Law (LAW-SS-AIL-24)

Type: Summer School


Prof. Giovanni SARTOR


Morel, Arianna

 Category: LAW Intensive Seminar - 6 credits

AEL: Summer Course on Human Rights - Peace Negotiations: What’s Law Got to Do with It? (LAW-SS-AELHRL-24)

Type: Summer School


Prof. Sarah NOUWEN

Barney Afako



Page last updated on 09 July 2024

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