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A Practical Guide to Interviews: Preparing, Conducting, and Writing Up (LAW-RT-PRAGUI-24)


Department LAW
Course category LAW Seminar - 3 credits
Course type Seminar
Academic year 2024-2025
Credits 3 (EUI Law credits)
  • Jadé Botha Sebastian von Massow
Contact Law Department administration,
  Course materials

09/04/2025 15:00-17:00 @ Sala dei Cuoi

11/04/2025 15:00-17:00 @ Sala dei Cuoi

14/04/2025 15:00-17:00 @ Sala dei Cuoi

16/04/2025 15:00-17:00 @ Sala dei Cuoi


This course aims to provide researchers with the practical tools they will need to prepare, conduct, and write up interviews-based projects. Often, theory concerning how to conduct interviews and prepare for fieldwork does little to capture the reality on the ground. Departing from this premise and based on fieldwork experiences as opposed to theory, the course will provide a much-needed setting for researchers at all stages of their projects to exchange and learn from each other – regardless of a specific topic. Each session contains a workshop element in which researchers can present their projects and receive feedback, fostering an interactive learning environment in which peers can raise concerns, pool experiences, and share best practices. The overall aim is peer-to-peer learning on a practical approach to fieldwork based on personal experience.

This will be of interest to researchers at all stages of their projects working with interviews. There has been a great uptake in recent years of interviews-based projects and consequently considerable demand for practice-oriented seminars. There are very few opportunities at present within the law department for researchers to share their fieldwork experiences or to get advice on concerns or best practices. However, this is not solely limited to the law department. There is also scope for interdisciplinary exchanges, as researchers in HEC and SPS have expressed interest in seminars of this kind.

This course is made up of four two-hour sessions. The sessions are designed as interactive workshops. Before each session, participants will be required to prepare practical exercises related to their own projects and come prepared to discuss their experiences, raise questions, and assist their colleagues in working out solutions. The reading lists are provided as suggestions for participants to pursue after the sessions in accordance with the specific needs of their own project and where they are in their research. They are meant to provide additional theoretical insights, which participants may choose to consult in reflecting upon the workshop. The only exception is the final session, for which participants are required to do the reading before the session.

First, Second & Third Term: registration from 26 to 30 September 2024

Register for this course

Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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