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Topics in the Theory and Practice of Causal Inference (ECO-AD-THECAUINF)


Department ECO
Course category ECO Advanced courses
Course type Course
Academic year 2023-2024
Term BLOCK 2
Credits .5 (EUI Economics Department)
Contact Simonsen, Sarah

04/12/2023 13:30-15:30 @ Seminar Room B, Villa la Fonte

11/12/2023 13:30-15:30 @ Seminar Room B, Villa la Fonte

14/12/2023 13:30-15:30 @ Seminar Room B, Villa la Fonte

09/01/2024 14:00-16:00 @ Conference Room, Villa la Fonte

11/01/2024 13:30-15:30 @ Seminar Room B, Villa la Fonte


A 10-hour topics course in recent advances in causal inference from experimental and observational data.
1. Causal Inference with interference (2 lectures)
2. Principal stratification analysis (2 lectures)
3. Mediation analysis (1 lecture)

Evaluation and grading
• Participation (30%)
• Final project (70%)

The final project is intended to be carried out individually, or in teams of two or three
students. The final product of the project will consist of a short (at most 10 pages) paper and a presentation given to the class at the end of the course. Applying the course’s methods to your own research is most welcome, as is doing methodological work or simulation-based work. I can provide also data on specific case studies that the students can analyze in their final project.


See syllabus

Register for this course

Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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