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Intersectional Histories (HEC-AS-TERHIS-24)


Department HEC
Course category HEC Area Seminar
Course type Seminar
Academic year 2024-2025
Credits 1 (EUI History seminars)
Contact Parrini, Alba
  Course materials

03/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

10/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala dei Cuoi

17/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Camino, Villa Salviati

24/10/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

07/11/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

14/11/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

21/11/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

25/11/2024 17:00-19:00 @ Ursula Hirschmann Lecture

28/11/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

05/12/2024 11:00-13:00 @ Sala del Torrino, Villa Salviati

Reading list Link
Enrollment info Contact [email protected] for enrolment details.


Histories of gender, race, sexuality and disability are crucial, fascinating, and multifaceted – and they often went unacknowledged in overall accounts of the past. Taking historical approaches to these different topics as our vantage point, the seminar not only explores various forms of discrimination like racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, cis- and heteronormativity, but also engages with the struggles against such powerful systems, thereby addressing the dynamics of activism and identity formation as well as questions around normalization and tokenization. Our conversations will highlight transdisciplinary perspectives that allow us to trace complex trajectories, to diversify early modern as well as modern histories by focusing on experiences and subjectivities that have long been marginalized, and to ask what different histories such endeavours may generate. Along the way we will discuss secondary readings as well as primary sources and encounter some expert guest speakers. Each participant will be asked at one point to present a brief summary of the discussion in the previous session. There will also be an open session the contents of which will emerge from discussions within the seminar group. Our concluding field trip will explore the potential of anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-ableist criticism in situ, as it were, in present-day pre-Christmas Florence

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