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Intermediate Qualitative Methods (SPS-MECHE-QM-24)


Department SPS
Course category SPS Methods Seminar
Course type Seminar
Academic year 2024-2025
Credits 20 (EUI SPS Department)
Contact Dittmar, Pia Deborah
  Course materials


This seminar is an intermediate/advanced class on qualitative methods; it builds upon but goes beyond the SPS introductory qualitative methods course. We begin – Part I - with three sessions on foundational issues: philosophy and ethics. Philosophically, the action in recent years has been more at the level of ontology than epistemology; we thus consider the widespread adoption of relational ontologies and their implications for the theory and practice of qualitative methods. For research ethics, we explore both its multiple meta-theoretical foundations (de-ontological / consequentialist / feminist / post-colonial) and its varying practice across qualitative and quantitative-computational methods and experimental designs.
The seminar concludes with a half-day brainstorming workshop – on 6 December – where researchers assess and constructively critique each other’s efforts at operationalizing various qualitative methods.


Part II – the seminar’s core – we drill down and explore the contours and debates over a selection of key qualitative methods. These include sessions on field work and multi-sited approaches; interpretive interview methods (relational, life history, ethnographic); discourse textual methods (genealogical, critical, post-structural); and advanced process methods (Bayesian process tracing, practice tracing, following methods).
We conclude – Part III – by zooming back out from particular methods. One session thus explores the debate over research transparency and its implications for all qualitative methods. Our last meeting then zooms out to the level of practice, with researchers debating their operationalization of a qualitative method/topic in a half-day workshop.

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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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