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Replicating Research in Political Science (SPS-REHIX-REP-24)


Department SPS
Course category SPS Research Seminar
Course type Seminar
Academic year 2024-2025
Credits 20 (EUI SPS Department)
Contact Dari, Jennifer
  Course materials


In this seminar we will replicate the data analysis in a range of empirical papers in top political science journals. By doing this, we aim to achieve three things: (1) understand in more detail the data analysis choices researchers make in their research, and to question the validity of these choices; (2) learn the practice of replicating and extending the data analysis of papers in top journals (using Stata and R); and (3) learn how to set up your own data files for replication, for example in preparation for journal submission.  Each week we will read and work through the replication files (from Dataverse) of two papers.  There will also be two group exercises (in weeks 5 and 10), where teams of researchers will re-estimate and extend the results from one of the papers we have discussed or from another paper, for example by changing the model estimations or conducting further robustness tests.  This seminar will be an opportunity for first year researchers to apply the empirical methods they have learned in the first term, and for researchers in subsequent years to practice their data analysis and programming skills. 

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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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