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The Architecture of Migration Governance (STG-MA-ECR-MGG)


Department STG
Course category 2nd Year
Course type Course
Academic year 2024-2025
Term 1ST SEM
Credits 5 (European Credits (EC))
Contact Francioni, Cino
  Course materials


The course is divided in two parts and twelve sessions. Each session revolves around one key question and one to three required readings. In addition to these required readings, there is also a short list of additional academic readings, as well as a number of additional materials – newspapers articles, podcasts, policy reports – that allow students to further explore the topic.

The first part of the course comprises four sessions, which provide an overview of the concepts, empirical evidence, and theories that are essential for the study of migration. We adopt a global outlook, comprehensively connecting different actors, geographies and types of migration. We focus specifically on difficult policy choices that revolve around border control, the categorisation of different groups of individuals on the move, and the role of race and gender in relation to human mobility.

The second part is dedicated to eight topics that are central to the politics of migration: transnational governance, attitudes, political mobilisation, visa policies, gender, development, welfare, and refugee protection. We discuss each of these topics with an international expert, linking available data with policy debates. We follow an interdisciplinary approach rooted in social sciences and comparative politics.

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Page last updated on 05 September 2023

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