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Fausta Deshormes La Valle champion for women's rights in Europe

Posted on 20 February 2013

Founder and honorary director of the European Commission Information Unit for Women, Fausta Deshormes, passed away on Saturday 2 February 2013.

The Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) to which Fausta Deshormes La Valle donated a wealth of papers illustrating her work during the twenty years she dedicated to gender equality (Femmes d’Europe' fonds), would like to pay tribute to this admirable advocate of Europe by means of a brief extract of an oral interview which she gave in 2004 within the framework of an oral history programme commissioned by the European Commission (The European Commission 1958-1972. Memories of an Institution).


Fausta Deshormes La Valle was born into a family of journalists. After having completed her studies at the university of Rome where she frequented the faculty of law she became a journalist herself, and later editor of various publications such « Annali Ravasini » and « Ricerca » (Federazione degli Universitari Cattolici Italiani).  

Between 1954 and 1958, she assumed the functions of editor in chief of « Giovane Europa », a bulletin published by the Italian secretariat of the European Youth Campaign, under the aegis of the European Movement.

In December 1958, she moved to Brussels with her husband Philippe Deshormes, who was appointed Secretary General of the European Youth Campaign, a movement for which the Historical Archives of the EU holds various testimonies given by those involved with the movement during a round table organised by the HAEU in collaboration with the European Commission (Campagne européenne de la Jeunesse' transcription).

In January 1961, Fausta Deshormes La Valle was recruited by Jean Moreau, former Secretary General of the EYC and Head of the Division 'Information universitaire - Jeunesse - Education populaire' within the ‘Service commun de presse et d'information des Communautés européennes’.  She was responsible for the section 'Information universitaire', where she worked for the promotion of teaching and scientific research on European integration.  With regard to youth issues, Fausta Deshormes la Valle participated also in the preliminary work for the putting into place of a European Youth Forum, most notably through the organisation of the 1970 youth conference.

Appointed to the Cabinet of the Vice-President of the Commission, Carlo Scarascia Mugnozza, she was given responsibility for environmental protection and consumer information as well as relations with the European Parliament. At the end of 1976, she was reintegrated into the Directorate General for Information where she was responsible for Women’s press and information. The bulletin « Femmes d'Europe » was published in 1977. In 1992, Fausta Deshormes La Valle became an honorary director of the Commission. 

The Minerva award (1986) and the trophy of the National Council of Italian Women were two of the many international recognitions she received.

During her retirement, Fausta Deshormes La Valle was appointed Vice President of the Belgian Council to the European Movement.

The private fonds Fausta Deshormes La Valle is available at the HAEU. 

Transcription of interview realised within the framework of the European Commission oral history programme.


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