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The vision of a United Europe : the Schuman Declaration, 9 May 1950

Posted on 02 May 2013

This exhibition, located at the Cortile di Michelozzo in Palazzo Vecchio, illustrates the human, political and cultural experiences of the three great “fathers of Europe”, Robert Schuman, Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi.

R. Schuman

The exhibition concentrates on the early phase of the European integration process, which was initiated with the Schuman Declaration of the 9 May 1950. Exhibited will be images, documents and film recordings from various holdings of the Historical Archives of the EU in Florence and from other audio-visual collections of European institutions.

Palazzo Vecchio, 7-12 May 2013

Opening hours: 9 –  24

Piazza della Signoria, Firenze, Italy

For more information, please contact the Historical Archives of the EU at [email protected] or by phone: 055 4685661

The exhibition is organised in the framework of the Festival d’Europa

Presentation of Exhibitions and Open-Day




Exhibition Palazzo Vecchio

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