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Visit of Doris Pack, Chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Culture and Education and Carlo Casini, Chair of the European Parliament's Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Posted on 25 November 2013

Séance inaugurale de la Convention 2002

On Thursday 28 November 2013 the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) which forms part of the European University Institute will play host to Doris Pack, Chair of the EU Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education and Carlo Casini, Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Constitutional Affairs.

Of German origin, Ms Pack is renowned for her dedication in promoting cultural activities at a European level for which she has received numerous honours from various European governments. She has been Deputy in the EP since 1989, where she is part of the European People’s Party. Ms Pack presides over the Commission dealing with Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and the cultural and educational aspects of the European Union.

Deputy Casini, a former Italian judge, was elected for the first time to the European Parliament in 1984. A member of the Presidential Office of the European People’s Party, he currently chairs the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the European Parliament, which deals with the elaboration and realisation of the European Treaties and relations between the various European Institutions and between the European Parliament and the national Parliaments.

At 17.00, in the Sala de Gasperi at Villa Salviati, Ms Pack and Deputy Carlo Casini will be at the disposition of the press to discuss the new forms of collaboration which the European Parliament is initiating with the HAEU, which will lead to closer ties between the European Institutions and the Florentine authorities. Furthermore, in the light of her cooperation with the European Union Democracy Observatory of the European University Institute, Ms Pack will be happy to comment on next year’s elections to the European Parliament which will be held on the 22 – 25 of May 2014.

Dr Dieter Schlenker, Director of the HAEU and Minister Plenipotentiary Pasquale Ferrara, Secretary General of the EUI will also be present.

The Historical Archives of the European Union which opened to the public in 1986 at the European University Institute, acquires, preserves and makes available to the public the documents from the various institutions of the European Union, as well as the private documents of political figures, movements and international organisations which played a key role in the European construction process.

Following the event, Ms Pack will intervene at the Conference, Elections in Europe in Times of Crisis, which will be held at the Badia Fiesolana, principal site of the European University Institute, where she will give a talk on the 2014 European elections.

To register for the press meeting, please contact the EUI Press Office at [email protected] or by telephone at the following number +39 055 4685 428.


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