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Paolo Staccioli, La superficie dell'equilibrio

Posted on 07 May 2014

Cavallerizza StaccioliPaolo Staccioli (born in 1943 in Scandicci) began his artistic career as a painter. In the nineties, he learnt the art of ceramics in Faenza and produced his first glazed ceramic pots. He later experimented with the use of reduction firing which gives amazing effects of radiance and sheen. Staccioli refined the technique with the use of fire and copper oxide.

The characters painted on the surface of the ceramics (carousel horses, winged cherubs, trumpet players, dolls and Punchinello), both familiar and fantastic at the same time, become three dimensional, ensuring the continuation of the polychrome tradition of pottery with pre-Roman and Etruscan designs elaborated with some modern references to artists such as Alberto Giacometti, Henry Moore and Marino Marini.

10 - 31 May 2014

Villa Salviati – Via Bolognese 156, Firenze

Open Monday-Friday, 08.30 – 17.00

 The exhibition curated by Andrea Mello and organised in the framework of the Open-day at the Historical Archives of the European Union will be inaugurated on the 10th May at 3.30 pm.


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