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EU's borders under the loupe

Posted on 07 November 2014

adrian_popA Sorensen grant fellow Adrian Pop is intrigued by the concept of “borders”. His studies have led him from Romania to Florence, to search through the Angel Viñas, the Graham J. L. Avery and the Assembly of Western European Union Fonds at the Historical Archives, to prepare his thesis “The Media Construction and Deconstruction of the Borders of the European Union”.

Pop, a PhD student of the Doctoral School in International Relations and Security Studies, within the Babeș-Bolyai University at Cluj-Napoca, has been satisfied with the productiveness of his visit at Villa Salviati.

“This was indeed an opportunity to complete my thesis’ bibliography with interesting and useful primary sources which might not be accessible otherwise. During my stay I was completely satisfied with all the services provided since they covered mostly everything related to the research activity.”

Pop has focused on collecting data for both the theoretical and the case study parts of his PhD thesis.  According to Pop, the EU’s discursive approach on borders together with the media strategies of dealing with European issues is pivotal for his research.

“My research intends to unravel the complexities posed by the concept of “border” - and, in its more particular sense, the EU’s border - through an in-depth analysis of its philosophical and practical dimensions. The border communication policy of the EU is complemented by the national approaches upon key-events and EU’s related phenomena offering an interesting view upon the mechanisms of vision implementation within the EU’s area of deployment”, Adrian Pop concludes. 

Angel Viñas fonds

Graham J. L. Avery fonds

The Assembly of Western European Union Fonds 

Postgraduate Sørensen Grants

Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Contact Adrian Pop: cosmin.adrian.pop[@]

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