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Seminar 'Management and preservation of digital documents' at Villa Sallviati

Posted on 28 April 2015

On the 18th and 19th of May Villa Salviati will host the seminar “Leggero, trasparente, permanente e sostenibile: gestione e conservazione del documento digitale" - "Lightweight, transparent, permanent and sustainable: management and preservation of digital documents" -, organized by the Italian Association of Archivists (ANAI) in collaboration with the Historical Archives of the European Union.

Through several lectures aimed to illustrate the theoretical aspects and practical case studies, participants will be presented with the main innovations and changes introduced within the context of documents management and preservation in the advent of the digital document.

The methods of production, conservation and duplication of computer-based documents present difficulties that had a different meaning or did not exist at all in the context of analog documents.

The suggested itinerary for the seminar will draw a careful analysis of the criteria and rules governing the Italian and European digital administration, and will be settled in an increasingly unified perception of archives and towards a broadening on the limits of conservation. It will also pay particular attention to the archival processes regarding digital information that, even if not considered a document in the proper sense, eg websites, needs to be recorded.

More information available here
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