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Open Day 2016 at Villa Salviati was a hit

Posted on 02 June 2016

On Saturday 7 May the Historical Archives of the European Union opened its doors to the public to enjoy a day full of art, music and fun activities. The Open Day gathered 2.800 visitors who reveled in the sun and enjoyed a rich cultural programme. 

The Open Day started with the opening by the Secretary-General of the EUI, Ambassador Vincenzo Schioppa Narrante, followed by the first musical number: a concert by the Academy of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino at the Alcide De Gasperi room of Villa Salviati. 

Outside the Villa visitors explored the architectural and natural heritage of the gardens and the sculpture exhibitions by Filippo Dobrilla and Fritzi Metzger. Throughout the day more than 600 Florentines participated in guided visits by Città Nascosta to the gardens, the grotto and the repositories of the HAEU where the archival documents are held. 

Angela Opocher, visiting with her family, stated that “the Open Day here, at the Historical Archives of the European Union, was simply amazing! It was a wonderful day of music, art, history and memory which I enjoyed very much together with my little daughter.” 

For children, the Open Day offered arts and crafts workshops, and quizzes and tales from Europe by Giunti Editore. There was a variety of circus workshops by Scuola Circo En Piste, where children walked on a tightrope, were juggling and studied other circus disciplines. Scuola Circo En Piste also gave a Superhero-themed performance and the students of the school performed the many tricks they had learnt. 

The Open Day concluded with another musical delight as the Tuscan youth orchestra ReMuTo performed music pieces and celebrated opera arias, such as Madame Butterfly, in the grotto of Villa Salviati. 

Another visitor, Gaia Andorlini said: “L’ Open Day di Villa Salviati è stata un’iniziativa veramente interessante e divertente. Brillante l’idea degli spettacoli e i giochi circensi,  un’occasione per le famiglie  di unire la cultura alla gioia e al divertimento. Siamo rimasti incantati dalla magia dell’orchestra nell’ambiente della grotta. Le nostre figlie ne sono rimaste entusiaste.” 

The Open Day concluded the sixth edition of The State of the Union conference organized by the European University Institute. The HAEU had all of its staff, numerous volunteers and several partners contributing to the Open Day to make it the success it was. 

Volunteer Alice Perini also shared her thoughts: “For me the Open Day was a very beautiful conclusion of State of the Union. Everyone I've met during the day was happy, and I'm not speaking only about the public: since I worked as coordinator of volunteers I had to deal with all our partners and I had the opportunity to notice that everyone was enjoying the sunny day also if they were working hard.” 

The Director of the Historical Archives, Dieter Schlenker, concluded “I am extremely happy with the Open Day with the amazing number of 2.800 visitors counted at the gates. Besides the fantastic music, art and family activities, it was great to see the numerous visitors to our archival storage area where the memory of the project of European construction is present in millions of archival documents.” 


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