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Exhibition "Ever Closer Union" in Modena

Posted on 29 August 2017

The Italian tour of the itinerant exhibition "Ever Closer Union" prepared by the Historical Archives of the European Union to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties (1057) continues. From 8 to 21 September 2017 it will be shown in the Galleria Europa in Modena (Piazza Grande 17 - Europe Direct Centre).

The exhibition will be inaugurated on Friday 8 September 2017 at 12:45 by Under-Secretary for European Affairs Sandro Gozi, the mayor of Modena Gian Carlo Muzzarelli, the President of the Emilia-Romagna Region Stefano Bonaccini and the Head of the Italian Representation of the European Commission Beatrice Covassi.

Further information

The exhibition which was inaugurated on 16 March in Rome traces – through documents, images and testimonials – the history of European integration, since the Manifesto di Ventotene until today in 14 panels structured in four thematic areas

A selection of materials exhibited can be viewed on a dedicated website

The events linked to the exhibition and the anniversary of the Treaties can be followed on Twitter with the hashtag #Europasimostra and #RomaUE2017

To learn more:
Background on the exhibition “Ever Closer Union”

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