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17th 'Journées des Archives' conference

Posted on 08 March 2018

The Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) is holding its 17th ‘Journées des Archives’ conference in Louvain-la-Neuve on 26-27 April 2018.

The conference is organized by the Catholic University of Louvain and the Etopia Archives Center with the support of the Archives of UCL. This year’s theme is ‘Archive the present time. Alternative archives’.

The event will explore archiving practices where archivists document a present that they believe will not leave a big enough trace in history, such as the oral memory of emblematic members of the population who are less present in the traditional archives (testimonies of refugees, etc.).

Fifteen archivists and researchers in human and social sciences from Belgium, France, Switzerland and Quebec, as well as, Sarajevo, Algeria and Rwanda will present their alternative archives.

They will exhibit their projects and practices on the treatment of the memory of territories and its peoples, the performing arts, the archives of emotions, of suffering and of reconciliation, or simply put, of life.

The registration fee is € 70 and includes participation in the event, coffee breaks, a lunch and the Acts of the conference. To register for the conference, fill out an online or paper form on the website of the Catholic University of Louvain Archives.

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