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How to Submit Datasets to the Cadmus Repository

  • Cadmus_ResData_fullEUI members can submit their research datasets for inclusion in the EUI Research Data collection in the Cadmus repository
  • The first step is to complete the form below. The Library will then make an appointment for data transfer
  • By submitting this form, EUI members certify that the dataset for reposit is the result of original data generation, or is the output of significant, value-added, elaboration of pre-existing sources
  • Further information is available in the lower part of this page.



Dataset Creator

Datasets presented for inclusion in the EUI Research Data collection in the Cadmus repository must be the output of research by a current EUI member, or an EUI research team, or a team of researchers with at least one EUI member. [Non-EUI members should not complete this form.]

The name of the Principal Investigator, researcher(s), and - if applicable - technical collaborator(s) who created the dataset, must be provided. Email contacts must be given.

If the project is undertaken in the context of a consortium, the name of the Data Manager should be provided (if different from the Principal Investigator).

Dataset as original work and source(s) of data

The scholar(s) submitting the dataset for reposit must be the creator(s) of the dataset, or a delegate of the P.I.

The dataset must be the output of original data generation; or must be the output of significant, value-added, elaboration of pre-existing sources.

The source(s) of the data must be indicated. If the dataset is the output of original data collection and elaboration, details must be provided. If the dataset is derived from pre-existing sources, those sources must be clearly indicated (data creator, institutional source, publisher).

Permission to share dataset as open data

EUI members submitting a dataset for inclusion in the EUI Research Data collection in the Cadmus institutional repository should indicate whether the data can be shared as open data or not - taking into consideration data protection and data copyright (see below). Scholars should indicate if datasets presented for reposit will be subject to embargo. Library staff can advise.

Data Protection: Persons, families and households cannot be identifiable in any dataset. Repositors are responsible for obtaining and documenting the informed consent of subjects. Dataset creators are responsible for the anonymisation of data observations. The EUI Library Research Data Guide (11th edition, 2023) provides further information on data protection.

Database copyright: Research data outputs which are elaborated from pre-existing copyrighted sources may require data owners' permission to reposit and share. It is not possible to publish a dataset containing substantial portions of data sourced from pre-existing databases governed by contractual license. The Library can provide advice on copyright and data protection.

Detailed information on data management, ethical use, repositing, preservation and data sharing is provided in the 2023 EUI Library Research Data Guide.

By submitting this form, EUI members certify that their work complies with the Code of Ethics in Academic Research of the European University Institute.

Next steps

Complete the form above (if fields are not visible; refresh the page). A copy of the completed submission form is sent to the Submitter.

Upon receipt of the form, EUI Library staff will make an appointment for transfer of (i) data (ii) supporting documentation and (iii) code (where applicable).

Data uploading, and metadata input, is by Library staff.

When preparing submissions, it is advisable to create two dossiers: a Data dossier for the dataset; and a Docs dossier for documentation and codebooks.

Subsets should be accommodated in the Data dossier - not submitted as separate entries. (New iterations of the dataset can subsequently be submitted).

Large datasets should be submitted in archive format (eg. .zip). Data should be submitted in original file format version.

Documentation should include a concise overview of the research project, methodology and disciplinal context.

Scholars presenting datasets for inclusion in the Research Data collection in the Cadmus repository should pay particular attention to data input quality control, dataset structure and data protection.

Clear and consistent metadata for folders, files, variables and versioning helps facilitate future data retrieval, reuse and replicability.

Information about dataset structure and documentation is in Section 5 of the Library Research Data Guide (11th edition, 2023).


  • The EUI Library supports (i) data discovery (ii) data use and (iii) data preservation and sharing.


The Library Data Portal provides access to licensed macro-economic, micro-socioeconomic and Europe-related databases. 72 data resource guides provide information on coverage, variables and user networks. The Data Portal also provides information about the Library's restricted micro data server.


The EUI Library provides support throughout the research data lifecycle, providing assistance with data management plans (DMPs); data protection and copyright; metadata and data support for EU-funded research projects.

EUI members can submit their research datasets for inclusion in the EUI Research Data collection in the Cadmus repository. To submit a dataset for inclusion, please complete the Library's online form.

Contact: [email protected]

Page last updated on 18 September 2024

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