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Socio-economic Data on COVID-19

  • Data resources for socio-economic research on the COVID-19 pandemic are linked below
  • This directory includes both (i) EUI subscription databases and (ii) open data resources for COVID-19 related research

Socio-economic dimensions

ZenodoC19The Zenodo Coronavirus Research Collection, maintained by CERN with EU funding support, provides data from all scientific disciplines and sub-disciplines related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Datasets, documents and other research materials can be located via the Zenodo search engine.

OpenAireThe OpenAire COVID-19 Portal provides access to data and publications on all aspects of the pandemic. The portal is maintained by the EU-funded OpenAire which provides tools and services in support of scholarly research. Full details.

DataEuropaEUData Europa EU provides access to datasets, policy reports and articles relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, from 35 countries (European Union member states, the EEA, Switzerland and countries in the EU Neighbourhood Policy programme). Data resources are indexed by the European Commission from national, regional, local and domain-specific public data providers. Full details.

ICPSRcovid19The Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) maintains a social science data repository for pandemic-related research. ICPSR is a large-scale data repository of 10,000 studies associated with approximately 80,000 datasets. Full details of datasets and access (download is by Library Administrator) are on the Library's ICPSR resource page.

EUI_logoThe EUI COVID-19 Social Sciences and Humanities Data Portal presents data resources for research on the pandemic. EUI Research Data outputs are accessible via the Research Data Collection in the Cadmus repository.

GESISThe GESIS  Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences is a European data archive and research infrastructure. Users should create an account to access the GESIS ZACAT catalogue which gives access to socio-economic, political and opinion data on a wide range of research topics. Full details.

ESSThe European Social Survey provides data on behaviour, attitudes and beliefs in 30 countries. Variables include social and public trust; political interest and participation; socio-political orientations; media use; moral, political and social values; social exclusion, national, ethnic and religious allegiances; well-being, health and security; demographics and socio-economic conditions. Full details.

Eurobar20.jpgEurobarometer is a series of multi-topic, pan-European surveys undertaken for the European Commission since 1970, covering attitudes towards European integration, policies, institutions, social conditions, health, culture, the economy, citizenship, security, information technology, the environment and other topics. Full details.

GSOEPThe German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) is a large-scale panel dataset, providing observations on household composition, health, employment, occupation, earnings and other socio-economic variables. The database is produced by the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), Berlin. Full details.

UKDS2020UK Understanding Society COVID-19 Studies are released by the UK Data Service.  Understanding Society is a large-scale household survey, continuing, and expanding on, the British Household Panel Survey. Full details.

GlobalCitThe EUI RSCAS Global Citizenship Observatory maintains a Dataset of International Travel Restrictions in Response to COVID-19 with global coverage and "information on the countries that have introduced additional controls, the type of controls (self-isolation, in-depth screening, medical certificate, quarantine, no entry), what target countries, and exceptions granted." Full details.


Macro-financial systemic impacts

EurostatEurostat maintains a European Statistical Recovery Dashboard and a COVID-19 Statistics Guide providing macroeconomic data and micro socioeconomic data relating to work, unemployment, household composition, health, income, expenditure and other variables. Full details of the two main micro data series are at these links: EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) and EU-Labour Force Survey (EU-LFS).

RefinitivDatastream, published by LSEG, provides access to multiple international COVID-19 related data. EUI members can access via Desktop > Excel top-bar 'Datastream' tab > Click red icon (upper right); Click either 'Time Series Request' or 'Static Request'; Use the 'Series/List' field or the 'Datatypes/Expressions' field in the search panel to retrieve data series; Click 'Submit'; Excel file is populated. Datastream also provides global financial and macroeconomic time series data for 175 countries and 60 markets. Full details.

CapIQproThe Standard and Poor's Capital IQ Pro platform provides data on banks, financial institutions and markets worldwide. Coverage includes ownership information, market analysis, filings, financial statements, mergers and acquisitions' data and sectoral news. Full details.

ECBThe ECB Statistical Data Warehouse provides data on Euro area monetary policy, financial stability and other topics relevant to the activities of the ECB and the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Series cover exchange rates; money, credit and banking; financial markets and interest rates; macroeconomic, sectoral and balance of payments data. Full details.

WorldBankThe World Bank maintains a COVID-19 Indicator of Relative Severity providing “real-time data, statistical indicators, and other types of data that are relevant to the coronavirus pandemic.” The World Bank Open Data Portal provides development-related data. Full details.

UN2020The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs maintains a pandemic-related data hub with four thematic sections: (i) COVID-19 data (ii) healthcare data (iii) economic impacts and (iv) population data. See also the EUI Library data resource guides for UNCTAD, UNICEF and UNIDO.

Moody BluesOrbis Europe is a database of comparable financial and business information on Europe's largest 600,000 public and private companies by total assets. The database provides standardised annual accounts, financial ratios, sectoral activities and ownership data. 43 countries are covered. Full details.

FEDThe U.S. Federal Reserve maintains a Timeline of Events Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and a database of time series from 107 national and international sources. Data is collected and collated by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Full details.

MigrationThe International Organization for Migration maintains Data Innovation Directory providing information on the impact of COVID-19 on global migration dynamics. The directory is maintained by the IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre, (Berlin). Full details.

ACAPSThe Assessment Capacities Project (ACAPS) maintains a database of government measures taken during the COVID-19 crisis, relating to movement, public health and socio-economic measures.

TrackerThe COVID-19 Local Action Tracker provides data on the  COVID-19 policy responses of U.S. cities, towns and villages - covering public health, city operations, infrastructure, housing, economic measures and workforce development. Full details.


Comparative crisis research

OWiD2021Our World in Data provides statistics, reports and data visualisations on all aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our World in Data is maintained by the Oxford University Martin School, the Global Change DataLab and international partners. Full details.

JHUnivAn interactive COVID-19 map is maintained by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, covering all aspects of the pandemic, including data on "cases, deaths, tests, hospitalizations, and vaccines to help the public, policymakers, and healthcare professionals worldwide respond to the pandemic." Full details.


The premium Statista portal
 provides data on COVID-19 from multiple international sources with a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualisation. EUI members have access to the Statista subscription, providing data on the global digital economy, industrial sectors, consumer markets, public opinion, media and macroeconomic trends. Full details.

GFDThe Global Financial Database provides long-range historical financial data on stocks, bonds, bills and other instruments, covering approximately 200 countries from the early modern period to the present. Data series cover historical national accounts, GDP, equities, commodity, exchange rates, inflation and fixed income data. Full details.

CNTSarcv1The Cross-National Time-Series database provides internationally comparable observations on government expenditure, population, territorial size, per capita GDP, trade, infrastructure, conflict events, elections, legislative process and international status indicators for over 200 countries and territories over two centuries. Full details.

GDDCThe Groningen Growth and Development Centre provides long-range macro-historical data including medium- and long-run economic growth, development, business cycles, economic performance,  productivity, economic inter-dependencies, inputs and outputs; industrial sectors, labour markets and historical population trends. Full details.

OECDThe OECD iLibrary provides access to over 400 statistical series from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development including data on international trade and commodities, labour markets, social expenditure, health, foreign direct investment, national accounts, taxation, agriculture, productivity, pensions and globalisation indicators. Full details.

ICRGriskThe International Country Risk Guide provides interactive data and country reports on financial, political and macroeconomic trends worldwide. Five-year forecasts are provided. For time series data from 1984 to present, select 'CountryData. ' For PDF tables and five-year forecasts, select 'Int'l Country Risk Guide.' Full details.

WHOeuropeThe WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard provides statistical data on all aspects of the pandemic. Users can also access the directory of WHO databases. Full details.

CDCThe U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maintains an information directory for historical pandemics, providing statistical data, documentary resources and comparative analysis. Full details.


▪ The EUI Library Data Portal provides access to  subscription resources and selected open data
▪ The Research Data Services homepage provides information about support for EUI data users
▪ EUI-licensed data can only be accessed by current EUI members
▪ Read the terms and conditions of use before accessing data
▪ Access to micro-socioeconomic data requires additional registration
▪ For assistance, write to [email protected]



re3datare3data is a global registry of research data repositories for datasets in all scientific disciplines. The re3data catalogue can be used to discover datasets by key-term search. Results can be filtered using facets; eg. social sciences, economics, anthropology, &c.


Google Dataset Search
 helps locate datasets and data time series worldwide. The search engine provides access to public data (from governments and international organisations) as well as research data (from universities and research institutions). Dataset Search is developed by Google’s A.I. research division



The Research Data Alliance has established a Social Sciences working group on COVID-19 providing guidance on data gathering, access and use relating to sociological, economic, political, educational, demographic, geographic, anthropological and psychological aspects of the pandemic.


  • The EUI Library supports (i) data discovery (ii) data use and (iii) data preservation and sharing.


The EUI Library Data Portal provides access to Library-licensed macroeconomic, micro-socioeconomic and Europe-related databases. 72 data resource guides provide information on coverage, variables, user networks, online manuals and terms and conditions of use. The Data Portal also provides information about the Library's restricted micro data server.


The EUI Library provides support throughout the research data lifecycle, providing assistance with data management plans (DMPs); data protection and copyright; metadata and data support for EU-funded research projects.


EUI members can submit their research datasets for inclusion in the EUI Research Data collection in the Cadmus repository. To submit a dataset for inclusion, please complete the Library's online form.


Contact: [email protected] 


Page last updated on 26 February 2025

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