UNCTAD data on trade and development
The UNCTAD-Stat portal provides trade and investment data from the UN Conference on Trade and Development in nine categories:
- International merchandise trade
- International trade in services
- Economic trends
- Foreign direct investment (aggregates)
- External financial resources
- Population and labour force
- Information economy
- Commodities
- Maritime transport
"UNCTAD compiles, validates and processes a wide range of data collected from national and international sources. Most of the time series cover long periods, with some dating back to 1948, for almost all economies of the world. This allows making an analysis of emerging and most urgent issues within a framework of long-lasting tendencies and wide geographical scope."
- Data ranges from circa 1950 to present, varying by series and country
- Country Profiles provide key economic statistics.
- Data classification and terminology is explained on this UNCTAD-Stat page
- An overview of UNCTAD statistics' gathering and collation is on this page
- Publications using UNCTAD-Stat data are available on this page.
Data can be downloaded via the UNCTAD-Stat portal in these formats:
- Comma-delimited ASCII (*.csv)
- Excel (*.xls)
- 20/20 table (*.ivt)
Related trade and industrial data resources
Data homepage
Contact: [email protected]
Page last updated on 06 March 2025