International Monetary Fund data

The IMF provides statistical data on government finance, monetary relations, financial stability, international trade, exchange rates, balance-of-payments and global economic prospects. IMF data can be accessed via:
- IMF data homepage
- Datastream for integrating IMF data with other international data series
- UKDS.Stat platform for bulk downloading.
Supporting documentation and IMF publications are available in the IMF eLibrary.
The following sections provide details of Balance of Payments Statistics; Direction of Trade Statistics; Government Finance Statistics; International Financial Statistics; Coordinated Direct Investment Survey; World Economic Outlook and the IMF Financial Data Query tool.
Downloading via IMF platform
Data can be accessed via the IMF Data homepage. Read the Query Building Instructions at this link.
- At upper right; click on 'Register' (for new users) or 'Sign in' (for existing accounts)
- Go to 'Build your own Query'
- In the Query Builder, combine scopes by country, concept, database (eg. IFS) and time coverage
- Click on the green 'Download' button
- IMF data concepts and definitions are on the IMF Data help page.
IMF Data via Datastream
IMF data can be accessed via the Datastream platform, which facilitates the combination of IMF data with other international sources. Datastream also provides an archive of (discontinued) IMF Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves (COFER) data. EUI members can access IMF data in Datastream via Excel on EUI desktops. Detailed information is in the Library's Datastream resource guide. Datastream is published by LSEG.
IMF Data via UKDS
The UK Data Service UKDS.Stat platform can be used for bulk downloads of IMF data. Select from headline series, or locate required data via the federated search tool.
Series metadata
Information about IMF series metadata is on this page.
When series open, click the red 'i' next to the data source for detailed information.
For detailed information consult the IMF Standards for Data Dissemination manual and the Special Data Dissemination Standard guide.
Balance of Payments Statistics (IMF)
Balance of Payments Statistics are quarterly and annual observations on international economic transactions, including traded goods, services, income and capital transfers. The Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Compilation Guide is available online. Supporting documentation and related research papers are available via the IMF eLibrary.
Direction of Trade Statistics (IMF)
Direction of Trade Statistics are annual, quarterly and monthly time series of merchandise export and import data for 187 countries. World trade flow aggregates between major regions are also provided. Non-reported DOTS monthly data are estimated according to the methodology described in the Guide to Direction of Trade Statistics (also available in paper version at the Badia Library at shelfmark 382 IMF). Supporting documentation and related research papers are available via the IMF eLibrary.
- Contemporary DOTS data: 1980-2023
- Historical DOTS data, 1948-1979
Government Finance Statistics (IMF)
Government Finance Statistics contains data on revenue, expenditure and transactions in assets and liabilities for the state sector and sub-sectors for 137 countries from 1990 to present. The related Historical Government Finance Statistics database covers 1972 to 1989.
The GFS manual is available online. A Guide to IMF Stress Testing: methods and models is at Library shelfmark 332.152.
GFS data are compiled using Government Finance Statistics Manual 2001 methodology. GFSM2001 based data begin in 1990 - except for major aggregates (eg. revenue, expense, &c.) - that begin in 1970. The Historical Government Finance Statistics database covers 1972 to 1989, based on GFSM1986 methodology.
- Contemporary GFS data: 1990-2023
- Historical GFS data, 1972-1989
Users may also be interested in the UNU Government Revenue Dataset which presents "revenue and tax trends over time and allows for analysis at the country, regional or cross-country level" drawn from IMF, OECD and other international data sources. Supporting documentation and related research papers are available via the IMF eLibrary.
International Financial Statistics (IMF)
International Financial Statistics provide global data on exchange rates, international liquidity, money and banking, interest rates, prices, production, international transactions and national accounts. Observations are presented in tables by country, region and world aggregates.
The IMF Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB) gives details of the Special Data Dissemination Standard (SDDS), the General Data Dissemination System (GDDS) and the Data Quality Reference Site (DQRS). Supporting documentation and related research papers are available via the IMF eLibrary.
Coordinated Direct Investment Survey (IMF)
The Coordinate Direct Investment Survey (CDIS) provides annual data on foreign direct investment (FDI) stocks and flows worldwide, presenting "data on ‘inward’ direct investment positions (ie. direct investment into the reporting economy) cross-classified by economy of immediate investor, and the data on ‘outward’ direct investment positions (ie. direct investment abroad by the reporting economy) cross-classified by economy of immediate investment."
World Economic Outlook (IMF)
World Economic Outlook data and annual reports provide short- and medium-term IMF analysis of global economic developments. The IMF also publishes a Global Financial Stability Report and a Fiscal Monitor.
Financial Data Query tool (IMF)
The IMF Financial Data Query tool gives access to cross-country financial data from 1984 to present, including IMF member quotas, reserve tranche positions, special drawing rights holdings, outstanding credit, projected payments due and monthly historical transactions with the IMF.
Data homepage
Contact: [email protected]
Page last updated on 06 September 2024