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LLM Programme in Comparative, European and International Laws

Programme Start Date





Villa Salviati

The application deadline for the 2025-26 recruitment procedure was 31 January 2025 at 14:00 (CET). It is no longer possible to apply.

Degree Requirements

Can I apply even if I will complete my degree after 31 January?

Yes, but you must obtain your degree with the required grade by the following August and send proof to the EUI as soon as it is available.

Do I need a first degree in Law for admission to the LL.M. or is a degree in another subject sufficient?

Applicants without a first degree in Law are considered, but you must have a good legal background. The Examining Board will assess the content and quality of your degree and academic background.


Language Requirements

Can I be exempted from the requirement to submit an English International Language Certificate?

Candidates who are English native speakers, or have a degree from a university programme entirely taught in English and who have written a thesis in English in such a programme, are exempt from submitting a certificate of English proficiency.

If you cannot submit an English International Language Certificate due to reasons beyond your control, you must attach to the application form a personal declaration stating the extenuating circumstances which prevent you from submitting the certificate.

Extenuating circumstances can include the following situations:

  • a serious, acute or chronic medical condition
  • significant caring responsibilities, or recent bereavement or serious illness within close family
  • serious financial reasons
  • other circumstances where serious disruption has occurred

If you are shortlisted for an interview during the selection process, you will need to take an English Language Assessment Test at the EUI Language Centre.

Do I have to take additional language tests?

Applicants who, according to their target department, need to be proficient for their specific research project in another working language(s) of the EUI (French, German, Italian and Spanish) which is not their native language, will be asked to take an oral and written test when invited for interview.


Reference Letters

Can I provide extra reference letters?

Only two reference letters are required for the LL.M Programme.  References must by submitted by the referees indicated in your application. We cannot accept more than two reference letters

What happens to my application if reference letters are missing?

Your application will not automatically disregarded if one or two reference letters are missing, but remember that reference letters play an important role in the selection process.

Can referees write reference letters in their own language?

Yes, but references in English or French guarantee the widest possible reading.

Can reference letters be submitted after the deadline?

References must be submitted by the deadline for applications on 31 January at 14:00 (CET). 

Can you accept a professional reference from my employer instead of an academic reference?

No. Professional references are not accepted. Academic References must be submitted by academic referees (ie: Professors, Lecturers etc.) who are in a position to give an academic evaluation of your research, intellectual qualities, ability and potential.

Does the EUI contact referees directly to ask for references?

When you register your referees' details in the online application form, an email requesting a reference on your behalf is automatically sent to the referees you have nominated. Nevertheless, it is your responsibility to contact referees directly to inform them of your request and to ensure that they submit the reference by the deadline.

Do you accept references before I have submitted my application?

Yes, it is warmly recommended that references arrive as soon as possible.

Your referees will be contacted and will be allowed to submit the reference only after you have completed and registered the first step of the online application form including the names and contact details of referees. In order to receive the references in time by the deadline 31 January at 14:00 (CET), you should register the referee details as soon as possible. This is possible any time and you do not yet need to submit the final version of your application at that time. Please note that reference letters can be submitted by the registered referees (before the deadline) even after you have submitted your application.

You are responsible for ensuring that your referees submit the reference by the deadline of 31 January.


Other Topics

Can I contact potential EUI Supervisor?

The policy of the EUI is not to offer individual guidance and advice on dissertation proposals. You should not contact potential supervisors and ask them to support your application or to provide you with advice. You should instead read the information on research themes supervised by the department and by individual professors.

I am currently in full-time employment. Can I register at the EUI without interrupting/ending my employment?

No, if admitted to the LL.M. programme, you must interrupt or end your employment for the duration of the programme.

I am registered on an LL.M. programme at another university. Can I register at EUI at the same time?

No, you must interrupt the other course of study. Registration at the EUI means committing yourself full-time to its LL.M. programme.

Should I translate my degree certificates, transcripts or CV?

We usually accept documents in all the languages of the European Union although those written in English guarantee the widest possible reading. As such, translations in English are appreciated but not mandatory. English translations are recommended for transcripts submitted to the Department of Economics.

If you have questions or require assistance, you can reach the EUI Admissions Office by submitting a query through our online form. We ensure a prompt response, especially as the deadline approaches. 

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