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Department of Law

Summer School on Law and Logic 2021

Programme Start Date




Badia Fiesolana

Applications are closed, stay tuned for updates.

Programme Description


Dear Prospective Students for the Law and Logic Summer School,

We hope you have been well in these difficult times. As you may know, we very reluctantly suspended our Law Logic Summer School for 2020 due to the challenges of the Coronavirus. We are very happy to report that we will resume the Summer School for 2021. However, due to the continuing difficulties of the Coronavirus, even with a vaccine recently developed, we will have the Summer School for 2021 online only.

We will have a six-day course from Monday 28 June through Saturday 3 July 2021.

This will be the ninth year of the Summer School, which is jointly hosted by the European University Institute (Florence, Italy) and the Harvard Law School (Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.). It is also sponsored by CIRSFID-Alma AI, the Law Department, The University of Bologna (Italy), The University of Hamburg, and the European Academy of Legal Theory. This course is designed to give students rigorous training in a wide variety of logical methods that can assist in the analysis of law for all kinds of legal analysts, including students, lawyers, judges and scholars. The overall framework for the course is the Logocratic Method, a systematic method for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of arguments, including, but not limited to, legal arguments.

Some of our students may also be interested in the Summer School on Artificial Intelligence and Law, which is also planned to take place online from Monday 5 July through Saturday 9 July 2021, and is sponsored by the European University Institute in Florence and the University of Pittsburgh.

Meanwhile, we hope that you and those close to you stay well.

Very warmly,

Scott Brewer and Giovanni Sartor, on behalf of other professors in the Law and Logic Summer School.

In this blog ( you will find information on the Summer School of last year (2019).

For further information on the Summer School on Law and Logic, you can contact Professor Scott Brewer

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