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Programme Start Date





Badia Fiesolana

Application Deadline (extended): 22/05/2024 23:59 CEST


Programme Description

We particularly encourage candidates from countries in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, which are underrepresented at the EUI, to apply.

The Department of Political and Social Sciences (SPS) at the European University Institute (EUI) is launching the fifth edition of the SPS Summer Academy on Democracy and Society in Europe: Latest Insights from Political Science and Sociology. The Summer Academy will provide a fresh perspective on the major challenges faced by contemporary European societies. In what shape is Europe’s democracy? Does it face a crisis? And what can be done to level inequalities and meet Europeans’ aspirations for a fairer, environmentally sustainable, and inclusive society? These and other related topics will be systematically analysed and discussed by the SPS Summer Academy participants.

Date: 9-13 September 2024 at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy.

The EUI is an exceptionally vibrant space of interdisciplinary academic activities, where a plethora of seminars, workshops, public lectures, book launches, thesis defences, and high-level workshops are staged each and every week throughout the academic year.

The SPS Summer Academy gives 30 selected Master’s students the opportunity to experience the EUI’s academic and social life first-hand. This one-week full immersion in the EUI’s world will allow the participants to take part in plenary lectures and discuss cutting-edge research currently undertaken at the Political and Social Sciences Department (SPS). Participants will also be invited to present their research work or ideas and to discuss them with leading scholars in the field and equally enthusiastic peers.

The Summer Academy consists of lectures by the SPS professors, a guided tour to visit the city of Florence, two workshops held by postdoctoral fellows, as well as participation in the keynote lecture by Professor Ellen Immergut (SPS-EUI). Find out more about the programme.

Participation at the SPS Summer Academy 2024 is limited to a maximum of 30 candidates. The Summer School is free of charge. Furthermore, selected participants in financial need and all participants from Widening countries1 are eligible for financial support to cover their travel and accommodation expenses.

If you are a Master’s student or have recently obtained your Master’s degree, and are interested in academic research, check our eligibility criteria and apply to the SPS Summer Academy.


1) In the European Union: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
Outside the European Union: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Moldova, and Ukraine.


Please visit our Summer Academy Blog for more information about the programme, and application. 


Research Themes

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