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Publications of the Department of History

Books by Departmental Associates, Latest Ph.D. Theses, Working Papers

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Latest books by Departmental Associates

Book cover for: Peacemaking and international order after the First World War

Peacemaking and international order after the First World War

This book examines the controversial Paris peace settlements after World War I. Leading historians explore the emergence of a new international order from these negotiations. They highlight innovative approaches and institutions in international politics, alongside the fusion of new and existing practices, shaping the 1919 international order.

Read more Peacemaking and international order after the First World War
Book cover for: The Cambridge global history of fashion : from antiquity to the nineteenth century

The Cambridge global history of fashion : from antiquity to the nineteenth century

The Cambridge global history of fashion : from antiquity to the nineteenth century Volume I of this book explores the history of fashion from ancient times to around 1800. It challenges the Eurocentric idea that fashion was exclusively European, showing that it existed globally long before European colonialism. The book discusses how fashion was experienced differently based on factors like class, gender, and race, and how it connected people across the world through empire, migration, and global trade.

Read more The Cambridge global history of fashion : from antiquity to the nineteenth century
Book cover for: Queer : eine deutsche Geschichte vom Kaiserreich bis heute

Queer : eine deutsche Geschichte vom Kaiserreich bis heute

Das Standardwerk zur queeren Geschichte Deutschlands von 1871 bis heute. Deutschlands queere Geschichte ist lange vernachlässigt worden. Und so scheint queeres Leben erst in den letzten Jahrzehnten zum Thema geworden zu sein – dabei kämpften Homosexuellenbewegungen bereits im Kaiserreich gegen Ausgrenzung und Diskriminierung.

Read more Queer : eine deutsche Geschichte vom Kaiserreich bis heute
Book cover for: African activists in a decolonising world: the making of an anticolonial culture, 1952-1966

African activists in a decolonising world: the making of an anticolonial culture, 1952-1966

Ismay Milford examines the roles of East and Central African activists during the 1950s and 1960s liberation movements. The book explores their grassroots efforts, collaborations, and limitations in transnational activism, offering a critical perspective on the global history of anticolonial work and thought.

Read more African activists in a decolonising world: the making of an anticolonial culture, 1952-1966
Book cover for: Poland and European east-west cooperation in the 1970s : the opening up

Poland and European east-west cooperation in the 1970s : the opening up

The book explores how Poland's socialist regime, led by Edward Gierek in the 1970s, engaged with the West, played a key role in East-West cooperation, and ultimately faced failure. It sheds light on global influences, the active role of socialist elites, and its lasting impact on Poland's political and economic future, making it essential for students of European history, cold war studies, socialism, and international relations.

Read more Poland and European east-west cooperation in the 1970s : the opening up

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