Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Causal Inference with Longitudinal Data using G-Methods
Professor: Sascha Riaz
Guest Lecturer: Alejandra Rodríguez-Sánchez (University of Potsdam)
Dates: 14-16 April
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Computational Social Science Methods
Professor: Kevin Munger
Dates: 5 June + 9-12 June, 14:00-18:00
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Computational Text Analysis
Professors: Ellen Immergut & Simon Hix
Guest Lecturers: Mirko Wegemann (University of Münster), Eva Krejcova (MWF) IDHEAP - University of Lausanne
Teaching Assistant: Sara Dybeland (SPS)
Dates: 24-27 March
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Elite Interviews in Fieldwork: Techniques, Tools, and Practices
Professor: Stephanie Hofmann
Guest Lecturer: Nele Kortiendek (MWF), Mariam Salehi (FU Berlin)
Dates: 28-29 May
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Ethnographic Approaches in Social Inquiry: From Theory to Practice
Professors: Jeff Checkel & Stefano Guzzini
Guest Lecturers: Wendy Pearlman (Northwestern University), Eleanor Knott (LSE)
Dates: 12-15 May
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Event History Analysis
Professor: Juho Harkonen
Guest Lecturer: Camille Portier (MWF)
Dates: 21-23 May
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Game Theory
Professor: Elias Dinas
Guest Lecturer: Itai Sened (Tel Aviv University)
Dates: 10-11 April
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Gender and Sexualities
Professor: Léa Pessin
Dates: 23 May, 26-27 May, 30 May, and 2 June
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: International Relations in the Middle East
Professor: Raffaella Del Sarto
Dates: 17-28 March
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Mixing Methods (Qual & Quant)
Professor: Paulus Wagner
Guest Lecturer: Paulus Wagner (SPS Part-Time Professor and Max Weber Fellow)
Dates: 7-9 April
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Policy Perspectives in Research Impact
Professor: Anton Hemerijck
Guest Lecturer: TBC
Dates: 23-24 April 2025
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Qualitative Data Analysis and Coding
Professor: Waltraud Schelkle
Guest Lecturer: Wilin Buitrago Arias (University of Oxford)
Dates: 3-4-6 June
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Social Network Analysis
Professors: Arnout van de Rijt & Herman van de Werfhorst
Guest Lecturers: Tobias Stark (Utrecht University), Dieuwke Zwier (Research Fellow, EUI)
Dates: 6-9 May
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Studying Multilateral Cooperation and Organizational Complexity
Professor: Stephanie Hofmann
Dates: 5 June + 9-12 June, 9:00-13:00
Credits: 20
Contact: [email protected]
Survey Experiments 1 (introductory) and 2 (advanced) are independent workshops. Researchers can register for either or both, depending on their experience.
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Survey Experiments 1
Professors: Filip Kostelka & Valentina di Stasio
Guest Lecturer: Alexandra Jabbour (SPS Part-Time Professor and Max Weber Fellow)
Dates: 28-29 April
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]
Seminar Outline / Syllabus: Survey Experiments 2
Professors: Filip Kostelka & Valentina di Stasio
Guest Lecturers: Mathew Creighton (University College Dublin), Alexandra Jabbour (SPS Part-Time Professor and Max Weber Fellow)
Dates: 19-20 May
Credits: 10
Contact: [email protected]