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Structure of the Policy Leader Fellowship

The programme is fellow-driven and strong emphasis is given to peer-to-peer learning

Each year we welcome between 20 and 30 fellows with diverse backgrounds and experiences in the field of public policy to join the STG community.

The fellowships commence in September (for five or ten months) or February (for five months only). The fellows have minimum 10 years of professional experience, and the programme is open to all nationalities.

Once accepted into the programme, the fellows are regarded as full citizens of the STG and enjoy many benefits, but also agree to a set of responsibilities to the community.


The fellows are offered full access to the Florence STG and the EUI: accessing the premises, attending events, workshops, seminars as well as making full use of the EUI Library and its resources in order to carry out research work related to their projects.

All fellowship activities aim to broaden fellows’ horizons beyond their own field of expertise and to empower them with skills, models, and tools.

Tailored professional skills workshops are organized specifically for the fellows as well as small-group bespoke sessions with leading policy-makers and academics. Furthermore, the fellows can participate in executive trainings based on the fellows’ interest and area of specialisation.

The fellows receive a monthly grant and can qualify for additional family and/or partner allowances.

The fellows are expected to be active members of the STG community. They reside in Florence for the duration of the programme and are regularly present at the school. The programme is fellow-driven and strong emphasis is given to peer-to-peer learning.

During their time at the Florence STG, the fellows challenge the state of play, develop policy recommendations and practical solutions for pressing issues of transnational relevance. Fellows lead on STG Talks, provide case studies to the STG master's programme, contribute to the STG Policy Papers and other publications.

Fellows are independent and self-motivated. They are responsible for autonomously completing their workplan during the fellowship time and present their progress and results during the programme.

Evgenia Markvardt - Programme Coordinator Policy Leader Fellowship

Page last updated on 12/07/2024

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