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Selected keynotes and speeches, and audiovisuals

Selected keynotes and speeches

  • Keynote at the 47th Ordinary Session of the Council of Arab Central Banks and Monetary Authorities’ Governors, and the High-Level Roundtable 'Challenges Facing Central Banks: Exploring Monetary and Fiscal Interactions', Algiers, 17-18 September 2023. 
  • Keynote 'Debt Sustainability and Economic Policy', Fifth Annual Conference of the European Fiscal Board, Brussels, 11 May 2023
  • 'Gambling to preserve price (and fiscal) stability', IMF 23rd Jacques Polak Annual Research Conference, IMF Headquarters, Washington D.C, November 10-11, 2022.
  • 'Gambling to preserve price (and fiscal) stability', The 6th Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster on Monetary Economics, Paris, October.
  • 'Fiscal Space at risk', Expert Group Meeting for the WESP 2023, United Nations, New York, October 2022.
  • Keynote 'US as a Safe Haven in the short and the long run', Growth Trade and International Finance Conference, Tilburg University, Tilburg, May 2022.

Radio interviews

  • 'British pound plummets'. Professor Corsetti was interviewed on The World on 27 September 2022, discussing the reasons behind the drop of the British currency.


  • The US is in a fiscal mess. Interviewed by Tim Phillips, Giancarlo Corsetti and Riccardo Trezzi talk about the unpalatable policy options if the US wants to stabilise its debt and interest payments.
  • 'The euro at 25'. Interviewed by Tim Phillips (CEPR), Giancarlo Corsetti and Marco Buti share insights on the euro’s first 25 years.

  • 'Inflation and Europe’s public finances'. Recorded live at CEPR Paris Symposium 2022: What are the consequences of an extended period of above-target inflation for the euro area? Agnès Bénassy-Quéré and Giancarlo Corsetti discuss policy options with Tim Phillips.


Rebuilding an Agenda for Europe

'The optimal mix of fiscal and monetary policy in the context of high inflation' - ECB Forum on Central Banking

Fiscal and Monetary Stabilization in Europe

Giancarlo Corsetti at the Annual Economics Conference: Pillars of resilience amid global geopolitical shifts

Page last updated on 05/02/2025

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