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Graduate Programme Appeals Committee

At the beginning of each calendar year, the President of the EUI appoints a Graduate Programme Appeals Committee that is composed of five members. Four faculty members, one per department, are designated by the President, the other, a researcher, by the Researchers’ Representatives.

Researchers can appeal against the recommendation of the Department and/or against a decision taken by the Entrance Board on non-academic grounds to the Graduate Programme Appeals Committee.

The Appeals procedure is set out in the Academic Rules and Regulations

Current members of the Graduate Programme Appeals Committee

Researcher Representatives:


At the first sitting, the Committee will appoint its Chair who will have a casting vote in the event of a tied decision (in addition to her/his voting right).

The quorum of the Graduate Programme Appeals Committee is four members.

In case one of the members is directly involved in an appeal case, this member shall stand aside and the President shall appoint a replacement for the case at hand.

Academic Service acts as secretariat of the Graduate Programme Appeals Committee.
Contact Person from Academic Service: [email protected]

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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