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Practical Information

COVID-19 Useful Info for Life on Campus

Eating at the EUI (Canteen and self catering)

Canteens & Bars

As of Monday 31 August, canteens are open at the Badia Fiesolana (Monday to Friday from 12 to 14.30), Villa La Fonte and Villa Salviati (Monday to Friday from 12 to 14). Bar services are also open Mon-Fri 8.30-15.30 (8.30-16.30 at the Badia Fiesolana and Villa la Fonte) A lunch delivery service is in place at Villa Schifanoia.



In order to guarantee enough space with correct social distancing for all EUI members eating on site at the Badia Fiesolana, a special area has been allocated for self-catering (i.e. bring-your-own-meal option) in the Sala Rossa.

Reservation is required and mandatory also for self-catering, based on the above-mentioned slots: in this case you are requested to notify your presence and check your reservation at the Front Desk when accessing the canteen area.

In all other premises the use of equipped kitchens and dedicated areas is allowed used upon the condition of social distancing (1.8 m). Monitoring of flows and distribution will be performed by EUI REFS staff.

Shuttle Bus Service

Restored capacity with FFP2 mask obligation.

Post & Protocol Office

The Post & Post and Protocol office at the Badia Fiesolana is open Monday to Friday 9-12.30 / 14.30-16-00 .

The EUI shuttle bus operates a mail delivery/pick up service from all EUI premises (as per pre-Covid-19 provisions).

Please note: in compliance with the EUI policy on mail deliveries, we remind you that EUI members should use EUI addresses only for the delivery of work-related items, such as books, IT devices and the like.

In addition to the above, if you are not supposed to come to the EUI in the upcoming days/weeks, you are kindly requested not to order items to be shipped at the EUI postal address, due to the very limited storage space available in the Post & Protocol office.

Use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Not mandatory but may be imposed if capacity of a certain resource for a given event is close to 100% and/or the organizer request for it. Still highly recommended in closed environments where distancing cannot be applied and ventilation is less than optimal (eg. in case of bad weather, where windows cannot be kept open).


Cleaning Provisions

The COVID-19 cleaning and sanitizing protocol currently in force at the EUI foresees the following provisions:

· Offices

1 sanitization (in addition to the scheduled ordinary cleaning) p/day

· Common areas (Canteen & Working spaces)

Sanitization of key touch-points at regular intervals and immediate sanitization of desks/chairs/workplace anytime a person leaves.

· Restrooms

1 sanitization (in adition to the scheduled ordinary cleaning) p/day + sanitization of key touch-points at regular intervals.

· Aircon and Fancoil filters

Following the relevant protocol introduced by the Italian Government, maintenance staff will provide the sanitization of all filters in fancoils and aircon units across the EUI Campus on a regular basis, starting 12 May 2020.

Access to Campus

Security Policy

Access procedures

Page last updated on 24/06/2024

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