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Resources & initiatives

Learn more about our most relevant ongoing activities

EDI monitoring and advisory bodies

The EUI has a number of bodies that monitor and advise on institutional priorities related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusiveness. They provide forums for the community to raise concerns and make proposals for action.

EDI framework, policies, and plans

The EUI Strategy 2019-2024 identified Diversity and Inclusiveness as a key priority. This has led to the adoption of policies and action plans to promote an inclusive environment for the whole EUI community.

EDI Reports

The EDI reports provide an analysis of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) data and practices at the EUI - and their impact. They give an overview of the composition of the EUI population across departments and roles, mainly by gender, as provide a look into the current practices across the institute.

Support for the EUI community

The EUI aims at creating a safe environment where everyone can be themselves freely. Support mechanisms are in place for the EUI community:

EDI-related networks and initiatives

Researchers, students and staff regularly organise events and initiatives to shed light on equality, diversity and inclusiveness. Click on the links below to know more and find out how to join!

EDI learning and engagement 

Learning and engagement about EDI helps to better understand the diverse lives and experiences of researchers, students, and staff, and promotes reflection about our conscious and unconscious biases. We all hold biases: a prejudice in favour or against topics, persons or groups, based on our experience, deep-seated thought patterns and assumptions or interpretations, which can affect our judgments and decisions.

Below is a list of EUI and external resources aimed at increasing awareness of diversity, equity and inclusiveness. 


Page last updated on 19/03/2025

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