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2024-06-11 09:00
2024-06-11 17:00
Commodities, spaces of making, and new trends in researching Global Asia
Sala del Torrino Villa Salviati - Castle
Two workshops in the framework of the ERC-project, CAPASIA.
This all-day event sponsored by CAPASIA - an ERC-project based at the EUI - comprises two workshops.
The morning session, 'Commodity Procurement and Spaces of Making in Early Modern South Asia', will feature papers from a forthcoming journal roundtable written by the CAPASIA team.
The afternoon gathering, 'New Trends in the Study of Global Asia', will feature presentations from two EUI PhD researchers and four visiting scholars on various subjects related to CAPASIA's core research interests.
This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme under the ERC grant agreement No 101054345.