This year's EUI Degree Conferring Ceremony hosted graduates who successfully defended their PhD thesis in recent years, together with graduates of the Master of Research in Economics and the third cohort of students of the Master in Transnational Governance.
The day was divided into two sessions, each opened by EUI President Patrizia Nanz. In her welcome address, President Nanz praised the graduates' dedication and effort throughout their academic journey at the EUI: "Your success today stands as a testament to your resilience and the enduring spirit of inquiry that defines the EUI."
President Nanz also encouraged the graduates as they embark on their future endeavours: "As you begin this new chapter, may today's accomplishment mark the beginning of a journey filled with purpose, passion, and endless possibilities."
The first session of the day gathered graduates of the Florence School of Transnational Governance (STG) Master in Transnational Governance programme, along with family, friends, and faculty members of the STG. In his welcome speech, STG Acting Director Giorgios Papakonstantinou motivated the graduates on this landmark occasion: "Go forth, be kind, conquer the world and then, change it."
In the afternoon, the second session hosted the conferring of graduates of the Master of Research in Economics and PhD graduates across the EUI departments of Law, History, Economics, and Political and Social Sciences. The afternoon session also hosted the awarding of five EUI thesis prizes, including the James Kaye Memorial Prize, granted to Thor-Oona Pignarre-Altermatt; the Vilfredo Pareto Prize in Economics, awarded to Adrien Wicht; the Antonio Cassese Prize in International Law, won by Tianying Song; the Mauro Cappelletti Prize, awarded to Hannah Adzakpa; and the Linz Rokkan Prize in Political Sociology, granted to Diana Rafailova.
The awarding of two Honoris Causa Degrees, an honour bestowed annually to distinguished scholars who have considerably contributed to their academic field, marked another memorable moment of this day. The EUI granted this year's Honoris Causa Degree to Gilat Levy, Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics, and to Alexandra Prechal, Judge at the European Court of Justice.
At the end of the ceremony, PhD History graduate Ana Maria Spariosu delivered an emblematic salute, looking back to the graduates' academic trajectory at the EUI: "The PhD process gifted us not only intellectual strength, but an inner strength, enabling us to take on long term projects which may have seemed unimaginable at the beginning."
Following the EUI Degree Conferring Ceremony 2024, family, friends, and the EUI academic community enjoyed a reception at the Badia's church square, celebrating the graduates' success and accomplishments.
Finally, the day closed with the annual June Ball celebration, which brought together EUI members and their friends and family for an evening at the Badia Fiesolana. The event offered new graduates the opportunity to celebrate with the entire EUI community, enjoying a night of musical entertainment and fun.
The sessions of the EUI Degree Conferring Ceremony 2024 are available on the EUI Live page.