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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Adequacy in digital trade | Erik van der Marel

How is the personal data of EU citizens protected on an international level? Former Visiting Fellow Erik van der Marel explains how international data flows are regulated in this Schuman Short.

11 October 2023 | Video

The cross-border flow of data is a significant part of the world economy. This flow is regulated by rules that regulate the protection of personal data. The European Union is doing this through adequacy decisions, which facilitate digital trade and protect the privacy of EU citizens. In this Schuman Short, Erik van der Marel explains what these adequacy decisions are and how they regulate cross-border flows of the personal data of EU citizens. 

A recent article by Erik van der Marel, Martina Ferracane, Bernard Hoekman and Filippo Santi on the effects of EU adequacy decisions shows that such decisions positively impact digital trade between the European Union and third countries.


Last update: 24 June 2024

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