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Historical Archives of the European Union - European University Institute

Authenticated copy of the Rome Treaties deposited at the HAEU

On 5 June 2023, Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation deposited an authenticated copy of the 1957 Treaties of Rome at the Historical Archives of the European Union. The Treaties are considered the foundation acts of the European Union.

07 June 2023 | Event


On Monday 5 June 2023, Walter Ferrara, Embassy Counsellor and Head of Italy’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) Office of Legal Affairs, and Marco Del Panta, Secretary General of the European University Institute, signed an agreement for the deposit of an authenticated copy of the Rome Treaties at the Historical Archives of the European Union.

The deposit consists of four bound volumes, and comprises the Treaty on the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM); the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC); the Convention defining the powers, jurisdiction and financing of the Assembly, the Court of Justice, and the Economic and Social Committee, common to the EEC and and EURATOM; and the final Acts of the Intergovernmental Conference on the Common Market and EURATOM. The Treaties, Convention and Acts, produced in French, German, Italian and Dutch, were signed in Rome on 27 March 1957 by the six member states of the European Economic and Steel Community: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.

The Treaties were hand-delivered on the occasion of the study day “New archival sources on European Integration: From the Schuman Declaration to the Rome Treaties”, jointly organised by the MAECI and the Historical Archives of the European Union at the European University Institute.

Pictured (from left): Agostino Ferrara (Archivist, MAECI), Walter Ferrara (Embassy Counsellor MAECI), Marco Del Panta (Secretary General, EUI), Dieter Schlenker (Director, HAEU)

Last update: 24 June 2024

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