The workshop aims to bring together scholars, both from the East and the West, who empirically study political realities in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) through within-country, between-country, or between-region comparison. It understands political behaviour broadly and is open to papers studying public opinion and attitudes, voting, elections, political parties, inter-group relations, and political participation.
Papers can approach the workshop’s theme from a variety of different methodologies, but submissions that employ quantitative or mixed methods will be given priority. Each accepted paper will be thoroughly discussed, and the workshop will offer ample opportunities for establishing professional connections and collaborations.
The workshop is convened by EUI Professor Filip Kostelka. Distinguished EUI faculty members, namely Professors Elias Dinas, Simon Hix, and Hanspeter Kriesi, will participate as both presenters and discussants.
Learn more in the call for papers. The deadline to submit an abstract is 18 March 2024.