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Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies - European University Institute

Central Banking & Banking Supervision Programme Concludes Successful First Year

The inaugural academic year of the Central Banking and Banking Supervision (CBBS) Executive Education Programme, launched in October 2023, has successfully concluded in July 2024.

10 July 2024 | Partnership


This milestone marks a significant achievement in the partnership between the European University Institute (EUI) and the European Central Bank (ECB), as part of the broader ESCB and SSM Learning and Development Strategy.

This initiative aims to create an "EU-wide forum" for sharing knowledge, fostering critical thinking, and generating new insights on key issues affecting the banking and finance landscape. The programme supports professional capacity building through executive education, contributing significantly to the future stability and effectiveness of the European financial system.

Diverse and Comprehensive Curriculum

Throughout the academic year, professionals from twenty ESCB and SSM institutions participated in a rigorous and diverse training curriculum. The programme featured 11 modules, both mandatory and elective, addressing critical topics shaping the banking and finance sector. These modules were delivered by high-level academics as primary instructors, complemented by guest lecturers from policy-making bodies, think tanks, industry, and international organisations, ensuring a comprehensive and multifaceted learning experience.

Positive Feedback and Community Building

Participant feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the programme's success in enhancing knowledge, skills, and the sharing of best practices. Many participants praised the interactive nature of the modules and the opportunity to engage with experts from various fields. Additionally, the programme fostered a strong sense of community, creating a network of professionals across borders who can continue to collaborate and learn from each other in the future.

A Remarkable Conclusion and Future Outlook

The academic year concluded with a prestigious certificate award ceremony held at the ECB premises in Frankfurt. This event celebrated the achievements of the participants and underscored the programme's impact on their professional development.

Looking ahead, participants are expected to ‘take back home’ a wealth of new knowledge and insights, along with enhanced skills and a renewed perspective on the challenges and opportunities in central banking and banking supervision. The success of the first year sets a promising precedent, and the CBBS Executive Education Programme is poised to continue shaping the future of the European financial system by nurturing the next generation of leaders and experts in the field.

Last update: 10 July 2024

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