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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

First take on Draghi Report

Professors Buti and Messori analyse Draghi's call for shared economic sovereignty: challenging but necessary

19 September 2024 | Opinion


Marco Buti and Marcello Messori have recently published a detailed analysis regarding the Draghi Report, released on 9 September. Their article explores the former Italian Prime Minister’s message on the importance of sharing economic sovereignty within the European Union. The authors delve into the challenges and potential pathways for member states to enhance economic integration, echoing Draghi’s call for more coordinated fiscal policies and the provision of European public goods across the continent.

In their analysis, Buti and Messori argue that while sharing economic sovereignty is a difficult and politically sensitive task, it is also essential for the future stability and growth of the EU. They emphasise that deeper fiscal integration would allow member states to better navigate global challenges, including financial instability and energy crises. The professors also discuss the structural reforms necessary for fostering trust and collaboration between member states, advocating for stronger governance frameworks and financial tools to manage shared risks and deliver on European public goods.

Read the full analysis on Bruegel here.

Last update: 19 September 2024

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