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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

New lab on future mobility launched

A laboratory to innovate urban mobility and reduce its impact on the environment, energy and society: this is the new project led by the University of Florence (UniFi) in collaboration with the Florence School of Regulation (FSR) at the EUI and Ferrovie dello Stato Italiano (FS) Research Centre.

06 February 2024 | Partnership - Research

mobility, train passing

MORE (MObility Holistic Research) aims to explore tools and solutions to promote sustainable mobility, making use of multidisciplinary approaches, big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

“Not only will the engineering and technological aspects be examined, but also issues related to urban planning and the environment, alongside the legal implications linked to innovation processes. This comprehensive approach ensures that the social and economic motivations guiding the choices of commuters and travellers are not neglected”, says Professor Alessandrini from UniFi, who is leading the project together with Juan Montero, Director of the FSR Transport area, and Mario Tartaglia, head of the FS Research Centre.

Over the course of three years, MORE will collect extensive data from both traditional sources (interviews, traffic sensors) and unconventional sources (mobile phone cells and smartphone apps) to analyse and model people's mobility choices, integrating technical information with social elements through new algorithms and AI.

In November 2023, the European University Institute (EUI) and the University of Florence (UniFi) signed a partnership agreement to reinforce their long-standing cooperation in higher education and research.

For more information, visit the FSR website.

Last update: 05 March 2024

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