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European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies

Change or continuity in Europe? A discussion on the outcome of the elections

Lively roundtable organised by Daniele Caramani and Lorenzo Cicchi to examine the repercussions of the 2024 European Parliamentary elections.

13 June 2024 | Event - Research

EGPP event on 12 June

In the aftermath of the European elections, on 12 June 2024, Daniele Caramani organised a discussion titled ‘Change or continuity in Europe?’. Over thirty people attended the discussion in person and more than a hundred followed it online.

Among the speakers, Simon Hix focused on what seems to be a pronounced right-wing shift as well as a high degree of fragmentation among the parties and the political groups. Hix highlighted that the socialist party's agenda, which traditionally includes promoting gender equality, working rights, and decentralised power structure does not find an easy place in this new European Parliament.

Costanza Hermanin addressed the potential impact of the European elections on the EU’s support for Ukraine and its enlargement plans for the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe. Hermanin noted that maintaining a strong European defence policy in support of Ukraine aligns with the right's "identity politics." However, she warned that the enlargement agenda, which also includes institutional reforms, risks being deprioritised by the EU.

Gaby Umbach brought attention to the European Green Deal, underlining its importance in the debate. She also noted the significance of smaller portfolios dedicated to gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights, emphasising the broad spectrum of issues at play in the current political landscape where opinions strongly diverge.

Kalypso Nicolaïdis, speaking from a French perspective, explored the impact of France's upcoming national elections on European politics. She described the political environment as fluid but expressed confidence in the stability of European institutions.

The event concluded with an engaging dialogue between speakers and participants, focusing on crucial topics such as migration, environmental policies, and the funding of the EU's defence strategy. The high turnout, both in-person and online, underscored the interest in the future trajectory of the European Union.

To learn more about the topic of the elections, find out more on the Schuman Centre’s in-depth analysis here.

Daniele Caramani is Director of the European Governance and Politics Programme, at the Robert Schuman Centre.

Last update: 13 June 2024

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