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Historical Archives of the European Union - European University Institute

Save the date: Open Day at the Historical Archives on 10 May

In celebration of Europe Day across the European Union, the Historical Archives of the European Union welcomes the public on 10 May to enjoy Villa Salviati with free guided visits, art and photography exhibits, concerts, historical reenactments, and circus activities for people of all ages.

19 March 2025 | Event

Illustrated banner | HAEU Open Day | Villa Salviati

The Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) at the European University Institute will open its doors to the public on 10 May 2025 for its annual Open Day, in recognition of the European Union's yearly celebration of Europe Day.

Guided tours of the villa and its gardens, led by students from Florence schools along with volunteers from the Fondo per l'Ambiente Italiano (FAI) - Florence Delegation, will be followed by visits to the archival deposits, conducted by the archivists. Visitors will have the opportunity to discover the history of the villa, including the magnificent grotto, the courtyard with its well-preserved sgraffito friezes and terracotta roundels, and the beautiful 16th century chapel that commemorates the union between the Medici and Salviati families. They will also discover the contemporary history of European integration and where it is preserved at the Historical Archives.

Works of art by Livia De Magistris, curated by Mattia Torelli, will be displayed in the Villa’s gardens, while an exhibit of historic photos of Villa Salviati curated by Anastasia Remes will be on view in the castle.

Archivists from the HAEU will deliver readings of selected documents important to the history of Europe and share video projections from its audiovisual holdings.

The historical re-enactment theatre group Compagnia Tercio de' Medici, will be on the grounds to demonstrate military life in the age of Cosimo III de’ Medici.

Musical events include a concert by the Orchestra Piccolissimi Musici from the Scuola di Musica di Fiesole, joined by musicians from the Lycée Victor Hugo, and a final concert performed by the Orchestra Leopold.

The 2025 Open Day will also see the return of circus activities with the Passe Passe circus school and related performance artists for people of all ages. 

Registration for the guided tours of Villa Salviati is necessary and bookings will be taken from approximately four weeks before the event, on the website of the FAI.

Entry to the event is free and open to the public.

Last update: 19 March 2025

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