European University Institute - Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Schuman Shelf | The Rise of the New Network Industries Juan Montero and Matthias Finger present their book: 'The Rise of the New Network Industries - Regulating Digital Platforms' examining how digitalisation affects infrastructures in telecommunications, transport, and energy. 15 October 2021 | Video Print Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Send by email "The first important message is that digitalisation interferes, permeates the traditional infrastructures and makes them more efficient..." Juan Montero and Matthias Finger argue that digital platforms strongly interfere with traditional infrastructures that are heavily regulated. This Schuman Short Introduces some clarity in the development of a clear and concise message for policy makers to disseminate correct regulation of digital network infrastructures, as they should be considered new and highly powerful. Watch the full video now on the Robert Schuman Centre YouTube Channel. Schuman Shelf #8 | The Rise of the New Network Industries - Regulating Digital Platforms Schuman Shelf | The Rise of the New Network Industries - Regulating Digital Platforms Last update: 26 January 2022