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Portrait picture of Mathias Siems

Mathias Siems

Director of Graduate Studies

Department of Law

Full-time Professor

Department of Law

Contact info

[email protected]

[+39] 055 4686 544

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Villa Salviati- Castle, SACA206

Administrative contact

Francesca Grassini

Working languages

English, German, Italian, French

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Mathias Siems

Director of Graduate Studies

Full-time Professor

Department of Law


Mathias Siems has been Professor of Private Law and Market Regulation at the EUI since January 2019. He previously taught at Durham University, the University of East Anglia, the University of Edinburgh and the Riga Graduate School of Law. He was also a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard Law School and a Jean Monnet Fellow at the EUI. He is a graduate of the universities of Munich and Edinburgh.

Prof. Siems was appointed Director of Graduate Studies in January 2021. The Director of Graduate Studies has a general responsibility for all matters related to the course of study, including supervision, seminar attendance, admission to successive years, fulfilment of requirements such as term papers, etc.

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Additional information

I welcome research proposals on themes of private, corporate and financial law. I am also happy to supervise topics which have a key interest in the research methods of comparative law, empirical legal studies and law & economics.

Prof. Siems was appointed Director of Graduate Studies in January 2021. The Director of Graduate Studies has a general responsibility for all matters related to the course of study, including supervision, seminar attendance, admission to successive years, fulfilment of requirements such as term papers, etc.

Researchers with problems on any of these issues which cannot be solved by their supervisor or the responsible administrative assistant should contact him.

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