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Alexandra Jabbour is a political scientist who did her undergraduate and doctoral studies at the Université de Montréal in Canada. During her PhD Alexandra was a visiting fellow at Aarhus University in Denmark.

Alexandra's research focuses on the intersection of political opinion, geography, and economy. She also explores topics related to political behaviour, group identity, and the political implications of the housing market. She uses quantitative methods with a keen interest for causal inference, employing experimental designs or quasi-experiments.

In her dissertation, Alexandra examined how an individual's everyday environment and repeated exposure to a familiar setting shape their perception, particularly economic perceptions.

As a Max Weber Fellow, she will work on publishing the remaining articles from her dissertation while starting new research projects. She will study the impact of upward economic mobility on political attitudes and investigate the political consequences of the housing market.

Alexandra has gained valuable experience as both a Teaching Assistant and a Lecturer. As a Lecturer, she has taught courses on Political Behaviour and Political Representation at the undergraduate level. Additionally, she has served as a Teaching Assistant for various courses, including Elections, Political Science Research Methods, Canadian Political Institutions, Politics and Economy, Introduction to Political Science, and a graduate seminar on US Politics.

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