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Working group

FIBRWG - Finance, Innovation and Business Regulation Working Group

The Finance, Innovation and Business Regulation Working Group (FIBR) brings together researchers working on topics related to the regulation of banking and finance, innovative products and technologies and business conduct. Across these themes, the group aims to advance debates on the challenges arising from legislative developments, regulatory competition or conflict, and globalisation. Indicative topics of interest range from intellectual property systems to the conduct of multinational business and the need for sustainable growth.

The group is a forum for discussions and presentations relating to topics across these fields. It also aims to host presentations of work-in-progress by current PhD and LLM researchers. Researchers and Fellows from all departments and the Robert Schuman Centre are welcome to attend and contribute, as the working group seeks to facilitate synergies in research as well as interdisciplinary approaches.


Academic Year 2024-2025


Academic Year 2023-2024


Past Events

Activity Report 2016-2024

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