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HAEU Non-national ISIL Allocation Agency

HAEU Agency for non-country EUR ISIL codes

ISIL is the International Standard Identifier (ISO 15511:2011) that can be assigned to a library, an archive or related organisation. An ISIL can also be assigned to sub-units of an organisation.

In April 2016, the Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU) became the allocation agency for non-country EUR ISIL codes for relevant common European libraries, archives, museums and related organizations under the prefix EUR.

ISIL codes assigned to EU institutions by the HAEU are based on MARC organisation codes which are made globally unique by the addition of the non-country code prefix EUR- (ISO 3166-1).


Directory of ISIL codes assigned by the HAEU

The directory  was last updated on 22 August 2018.


How to obtain an ISIL

Check if your organisation does not already have an ISIL by searching the Directory of ISIL codes for EU institutions.

Please fill in this form and email it to [email protected] to request a code.

Requests for an ISIL code will be processed within few days.


Background information

The ISIL is a variable length identifier and consists of a maximum of 16 characters, which uniquely identify libraries and related organisations (e.g. archives and museums) in an international context.

An ISIL is made up by two components: a prefix and a unit identifier, in that order, separated by a hyphen-minus. The hyphen-minus is a mandatory character in the ISIL string.

A non-country code prefix is any combination of Latin alphabet characters (upper or lower case) or digits (but not special marks). The prefix may be one, three, or four characters in length. The prefix is registered at a global level with the ISIL Registration Authority.

For ISIL codes assigned to EU institution by the HAEU the non-country code is EUR-.

The Danish National Library Authority is the International Authority for the registration and maintenance of the standard. Its role is to maintain a source of information about the National Agencies involved and to supervise the use of country and non-country prefixes. It also has a promotional role.


More details about ISIL are available from the ISIL Registration Authority.


For further information please contact:

Historical Archives of the European Union

Villa Salviati

Via Bolognese 156

50139 Firenze


Tel. [+39] 055 4685 661

Fax [+39] 055 573 728

Email: [email protected]

Page last updated on 23 August 2018

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